The Wolf + The Woman – Wolf + Woman Jewelry

The Wolf + The Woman

I have always enjoyed exploring the path to find my kindred spirit and have found so much beauty in diving deeper into astrology and alchemy. I believe that one can find strength and empowerment through identifying with the spirit of creatures and connecting with their sun element. Animals' natural tendencies and raw instincts are to be revered - just as each and everyone one of us should be too - these powerful characteristics are things that we would do well to remind ourselves of on a daily basis. 

Why are the kindred spirits written on the jewelry in Spanish? Initially because I've lived in numerous Spanish speaking countries and have fallen in love with the language one hundred times over. I also love using Spanish animal names on the rings because your kindred spirit is for you to share - or not share. If you want people to know then you can share this with them but it's your choice. Subtle but strong messaging is what I strive for.

Hope these pieces inspire you on your journey of self-discovery as much as they have helped me.


Con mucho amor,

Michelle xo
Wolf + Woman Jewelry